Saturday 10 November 2018

Your Favourite Season

In Bengal, we have six seasons. They are Summer, Rainstorm, early Fall (Sarat), late Harvest time (Hemanta), Winter and Spring. Obviously, the late spring and the downpours cover larger piece of the year. The winter stays just for a brief timeframe. Also, the winter isn't as nippy (3161) for what it's worth in the northern areas of our nation. All things considered, I like the winter most. After the long spell of warmth and downpours, this season is generally welcome. In this season an assortment of foods grown from the ground like apples, oranges, cauliflowers, beet, peas, carrot, tomatoes, cabbages and so on are accessible in bounty and at shabby rates. The sweet smell of siuli and the astonishing shade of marigold make the season very appealing. Moreover, this season gives events to merriments like the Christmas' and the Saraswati puja. Carnival indicates are masterminded and various fairs are composed amid this season. As the climate is charming individuals go out for cookout or on short treks. Be that as it may, it is a pity that the poor don't have the way to appreciate the charms of this extremely appealing season in Bengali.