Saturday 10 November 2018

Write a paragraph in about eight words on the changes that you see in nature when spring comes after winter.


After the chilly, inauspicious long stretches of winter comes the spring. Nature puts on another look. The trees assaulted by the winter turn out to be new and new shoocs turned out. Splendid vivid Groves break out in a portion of the trees like 'palash'. 'krishnachura'. tune feathered creatures like cuckoo starts to sing from the parts of the trees secured with splendid green clears out. In towns, the air winds up scented with the exciting smell of mango blooms. The climate is currently exceptionally agreeable. The gnawing North breeze is no more. The delicate southernly wind makes stirs through the leaves of the trees. Finally, the frigid winter is ancient history and nature has enhanced itself to reet the rinse of the seasons, to be specific the spring.