Saturday 10 November 2018

Suppose you had wished to perform on stage for a long time. On the occasion of your school’s annual function, you finally got a chance to do so. Write a letter to your friend describing how you felt when your wish was fulfilled.

Basunagar, Madhyamgram
 Feb. 12, 2019
 Dear Kasmri ,

I can barely wait to impart to you my sentiments when last Saturday I had at long last possessed the capacity to perform in front of an audience. You know to what extent I have been sitting tight for the day. I was chosen to V recount a Tagore lyric (Prashna) upon the arrival of the yearly capacity of the school. My name was reported. I got on the stage and remained before the mouthpiece. My heart was beating as I took a gander at the zits sitting in columns before me. Be that as it may, as I began presenting the ballad the lobby ended up quiet and when I completed I could hear the wild clappings. I felt a sort of satisfaction I have never felt. As I am composing I can review that minute once more. Kindly keep in touch with me soon. Would like to meet you in the following month.