Wednesday 23 August 2017

Hunting Snake questions and answers

(1)    The poet was sun-warmed under the gentlest sky of
(a)    Summer
(b)   Winter
(c)    Autumn
(d)   Spring
(2)    The colour of the snake was
(a)    black
(b)   grey
(c)    green
(d)   yellow
(e)   Ans-(a)

(3)    The tongue of the snake was
(a)    still
(b)   flickering
(c)    dangling
(d)   hanging
(e)   Ans-(b)

(4)    The shape of the snake’s scale was like
(a)    star
(b)   kite
(c)    diamond
(d)   pyramid
(e)   Ans-(c)

(5)    According to the poet , the intent of the snake was
(a)    malicious
(b)   greedy
(c)    timid
(d)   fiece
(e)   Ans-(d)
(6)    The snake finally disappeared into the
(f)     sand
(g)    grass
(h)   rock
(i)      stream
(j)     Ans-(g)