In English, pronouns can be singular or plural, just like nouns. The number of a pronoun depends on the number of the noun or noun phrase that it replaces in a sentence.
For example:
- Singular noun: "book"
- Singular pronouns: "it," "he," "she," "him," "her," "his," "hers," "its"
- Plural noun: "books"
- Plural pronouns: "they," "them," "their," "theirs"
Note that some pronouns, such as "you," can be used for both singular and plural references, depending on the context.
Using the correct singular or plural pronoun is important for maintaining proper grammar and avoiding confusion in communication. Additionally, gendered pronouns (such as "he" or "she") should be chosen carefully to reflect the gender of the noun or noun phrase being replaced, or to reflect the gender identity of the person being referred to, if known. If the gender of the noun or person is unknown or non-binary, gender-neutral pronouns (such as "they" or "them") can be used instead.